For any Customers who have a problem in laptop concerning motherboard especially in power switch and charge light if not responding

Acer Aspire V5-122P-0889 Troubleshooting

The Acer Aspire V5-122P-0889 was released by Acer as a budget friendly laptop that runs Windows 8.1 .

Laptop will not power on

The laptop is not powering on when the power button is pressed.

Power button not responding

When the power button is pressed, it does not respond. If this happens, plug the laptop in to ensure that the battery is not dead. You can tell this by the light next to the charging port. If the light is on and the battery is charging, the power button may be stuck or broken. If this happens, the button may need to be removed and reseated.

Battery dead

If the power button is pressed and the laptop will not turn on, try plugging it in to see if it has a charge. If plugging it in doesn't work, the battery, charger, or charging port may be broken on the laptop.

Dysfunctional battery

Laptop batteries are made to hold a charge for a long period of time, if you start to see your battery dying quickly when not plugged in and it is not holding a charge, the battery may be faulty. If this is the case, try keeping it plugged in and see if the battery will charge to 100%, and then letting it run with a light load to see how long it runs. If it does not run as long as it used to, you may need to replace your battery.

Faulty charger

The laptop is plugged in, but the laptop will not turn on. After waiting a couple of minutes of the laptop being plugged in, and there is still no charge, if you can, try a different charger to ensure that it is the current charger that is causing issues.

Screen is blank

The screen is black and is completely blank.

Broken screen

Most computers are durable, but if dropped from a high enough elevation, the screen could get broken and turn black. Check to see if your computer is able to be powered on, and try doing things as if the screen was working, such as signing into your computer. If you can confirm that other components are working normally, you will need to replace your screen.

Computer overheating

Computers are equipped with fans so they do not overheat, but if the fan is not able to properly cool down the computer it could overheat and shut the whole laptop down. This may cause the screen go blank.

Turned off

Most computers have different modes that can be used to conserve energy, and if you have the laptop on energy conservation mode, the screen can appear to be blank when it is really just in sleep mode. Try pressing the power button or keys on the keyboard to see if you are able to wake the computer.

Keyboard is not working

The keyboard does not type any letters when the buttons are pressed.

Keyboard broken

A laptop keyboard is essential to typing. If you are unable to properly use your keyboard, it is possible that it is faulty or has a faulty component. If this happens you should replace it with a new one.

Stuck keys

Keyboard keys are made to be flexible to use however if you face a stuck key it may be from the laptop being dirty from the interior that needs to be carefully cleaned. It may also be a result of a heavy weight that was applied on it which caused it to be stuck in that case you may have to change that particular key to a new one, or try to reseat it.

Blue screen

The screen on the laptop is completely blue, with text saying that an error occurred.

Software crashing

When new software such as a hardware driver is installed and the screen turns blue, there may have been an issue with the installation, or the new driver interferes with a current one. To stop the blue screen from appearing, either uninstall the driver or restore the system to an earlier date.

Faulty hardware

Hardware problems, such as faulty RAM or a failing motherboard may also cause the so called blue screen of death. If you have recently added new hardware, try replacing it with a part that you know works to see if this resolves the issue. Otherwise, you may have to test components one by one to find the faulty part.

No operating system found/Windows never loads

You see a black screen displaying an operating system error such as “bootable media not found”, or “bootmgr is missing”

Operating system is corrupted

If your computer cannot load Windows, then there is a chance that it could be due to a corrupted install of the operating system. To try and fix this issue, you can try and boot off of a Windows installation or rescue disk to try and repair your operating system installation. If you are still unable to get your system running after using Windows repair tools, then you should use the disk to reinstall Windows to get everything running again.

Defective or broken hard drive

If methods of troubleshooting the installation of Windows fail to fix the issue, it could be due to a faulty hard drive. To help identify if this is your issue, you can try and run chkdsk on the hard drive that windows is installed on to see if there is corruption or errors on the hard drive. You could also utilize a diagnostic tool from the company that makes your hard drive to identify issues. After identifying issues with your hard drive, it is probably best to replace it with a new, functional hard drive.

Touch pad will not respond

The touchpad does not respond to proper input

Touch pad switched off

Your touchpad might just be turned off and you only need to turn it back on from the settings in order for it to work again.

Touch pad is broken

If your touchpad shows signs of physical damage, you may have to replace it with a new one.

Unexpected screen distortions

You see various artifacts on your monitor, such as distorted images, colors, and shapes.

Problematic graphics driver

One of the possible causes of distortions or artifacts on your screen is a problematic graphics driver. To identify and resolve this issue, uninstall the current driver and then install the newest version offered by the manufacturer.

Broken screen

Another possibility is that your screen is broken. Inspect your laptop’s screen and see if there are any cracks or evidence of physical damage. If the screen is damaged, you will need to replace it.

Defective graphics card

It is also possible that you have a defective motherboard causing this issue, due to the graphics on this laptop being on-board. This is especially likely if the previous two issues were not identified. If your motherboard is defective, you will need to replace it.

Laptop is slow and freezes

The laptop screen freezes and does not load when on the Internet or on a downloaded program.

Hard drive issues

One possible cause of a slow laptop that may or may not freeze frequently, is a faulty hard drive. To confirm that this is the issue, you can run chkdsk on your hard drive or use a hard drive diagnostic tool from your hard drive manufacturer. If the hard drive is faulty it will need to be replaced.


A virus is another possible cause of a slow laptop with or without freezing. To identify and resolve this issue, boot into safe mode and utilize any antivirus software you may have. If you do not have an antivirus software, you will have to obtain some.


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